Kids Blast Youth Ministry

Our Kids Blast children’s ministry teaches kids from kindergarten to fifth grade. We want to ensure each child is given a good foundation of the Bible. We apply real life situations in ways our children can understand Bible stories. We are dedicated to making sure our children are loved unconditionally and grow to know their value as a child of God.

Special Events and Activities

Our children have the opportunity to learn and grow through special events and volunteer opportunities outside of the classroom. 

Volunteer Events:

  • Annual Christmas ornaments for our seniors in the church
  • Serving during our Annual Veterans' Day Luncheon


  • Girls Jamboree (ages 4-18)
  • Annual Christmas play
  • Back to School Bash
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)   

Youth Services

Every fifth Sunday our children’s ministry partners with our Pathfinders to lead the Sunday night service. This is a perfect opportunity to allow our children to show off their talents, help with their confidence, and get them involved in the services as they plan and perform all aspects of the service. When children are empowered and encouraged to be a part of services, they are much more likely to stay in church as they grow. These services are a wonderful time in which our most important lights God's love shine the brightest as they praise and worship the Lord.

For more information, contact Keli Herring at: